The BHC will be meeting in the Hamline Midway Library tomorrow from noon to 5. Feel free to join us! (Ask the librarians where we're meeting - we've got a new room.)
An average meeting goes something like this:
noon-1:30pm - Members trickle in, sit down to draw, and chat.
1:30pm-2pm - Everyone we know is coming has shown up, so the founding members talk shop - who's going to the next upcoming convention, what we're doing with web stuff, book sales, etc. Someone brings up t-shirt designs, everyone gets excited, and then the subject gets dropped for another month.
2pm - Everyone goes back to art jamming, chatting, and listening to music. Occasionally someone says, "Hey, can I get your opinions on this?" and shows everyone the page or script they're working on. Feedback ensues.
3:14pm - Gerbil starts talking about Pokemon.
3:20pm - The Pokemon conversation shifts into fanfiction.
3:21pm - The terrified newbies slink from the room, sketchbooks clutched to their chests like shields. This will not protect them.
3:40pm - Art jamming and idle chitchat returns to a less brain-searing level. Newbies who remain gain a level in Conversational Constitution.
4:45pm - Half the membership becomes spontaneously hungry for Chinese food.
5pm - We pack up and leave, having gotten in a good stretch of comicking for the day.
I may exaggerate slightly. But you get the gist.
It's a fun time. If you're up for honest, constructive feedback on your work and enjoy a good art jam with somewhat askew geek types, stop by!