Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Artist Intro: Gypsy-Maria Lorimer

Name: Gypsy-Maria Lorimer

Current projects: A number of novels, a reboot of my old webcomic (see below), some commission work

Past projects: For the Love of Yaoi (webcomic), Gabriel's Day (A Day in the Life anthology), commission and caricature work


Shop: None yet.

Web comics I read: Gunnerkrigg Court, Freak Angels, A Distant Soil, Godseeker, Battle Pug, Silly Kingdom, Axe Cop, Skin Deep, The Fox Sister, Girls with Slingshots

Print comics I read: Shadowlords, The Dark Tower, Anita Blake, Dresden Files, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Watchmen, Sandman, Nightcrawler, and just about anything I pick up at conventions.

Blogs I read: Hyperbole and a Half, The Bloggess, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Nicole Lorenz, Notes from a Fairy Princess in Exile

My fav stuff to write or draw: pretty boys, pretty girls, animals, fantasy creatures, chibis and other cutesy things

What inspires me to make comics: The winning combination of writing, drawing, and storytelling. Comics are, for me, the perfect medium.

Why are you in the BHC: Accountability and community. Group projects are fun, too.

My artistic new years resolution: What else? Draw more! Specifically, I'd like to be building a better portfolio of work to show potential clients, as well as getting a solid start on my webcomic.

Favorite part of the artistic process: I love all of it, but I think I especially like holding a finished piece in my hand and saying, "I did this thing."

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, all the way.

Bloodtype: A+

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Samples of recent art:

1 comment:

  1. I think I first ran into FTLY at the very beginning and lost touch with it. I found it again today and was so sad to see your last update is from 2006. I'm glad to see you are still active on the web and artistically and I'm looking forward to reading more from you.
