Name: Gypsy-Maria Lorimer
Current projects: A number of novels, a reboot of my old webcomic (see below), some commission work
Past projects: For the Love of Yaoi (webcomic), Gabriel's Day (A Day in the Life anthology), commission and caricature work
Shop: None yet.
Web comics I read: Gunnerkrigg Court, Freak Angels, A Distant Soil, Godseeker, Battle Pug, Silly Kingdom, Axe Cop, Skin Deep, The Fox Sister, Girls with Slingshots
Print comics I read: Shadowlords, The Dark Tower, Anita Blake, Dresden Files, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Watchmen, Sandman, Nightcrawler, and just about anything I pick up at conventions.
Blogs I read: Hyperbole and a Half, The Bloggess, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, Nicole Lorenz, Notes from a Fairy Princess in Exile
My fav stuff to write or draw: pretty boys, pretty girls, animals, fantasy creatures, chibis and other cutesy things
What inspires me to make comics: The winning combination of writing, drawing, and storytelling. Comics are, for me, the perfect medium.
Why are you in the BHC: Accountability and community. Group projects are fun, too.
My artistic new years resolution: What else? Draw more! Specifically, I'd like to be building a better portfolio of work to show potential clients, as well as getting a solid start on my webcomic.
Favorite part of the artistic process: I love all of it, but I think I especially like holding a finished piece in my hand and saying, "I did this thing."
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, all the way.
Bloodtype: A+
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Samples of recent art: